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New Puppy Care

PrissyPawz wants to help every new puppy owner on their journey of taking care of their new fur baby. 

You will find some important information in the drop down menu that should answer the majority of the question you may have regarding your new puppy. 

Of course, you can always contact us if you have any questions and we will do our best to help you. 


In the drop down menu you will find answers to the following:


* Preparing for your new puppy (supplies needed, etc)


* Puppy Nutrition (what, when and how to feed your new puppy)

* Hypoglycemia in puppies and how to treat it

* Puppy grooming and bathing

* Ear care for your new dog

* Treating tear stains


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Our Past Puppies


@2008 PrissyPawz Puppies, Inc. Stockton, Ca

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